Admission to Modern Academy Indirapuram is open to all who fulfil the entry requirements, followed by Entrance Test and subsequent Interaction. Admissions are open for Nursery & U.K.G class each year, while admissions to other classes from U.K.G to IX depend on vacancies. Admission is based purely on performance in the Entrance Test and Interaction. Since there are only a few seats vacant for upper classes, admission will be on "First Come, First Served" basis.
Application for admission must be made on the form available on the school ERP. Please read the instructions carefully before filling up the pro-forma. Registration is prior to admission and registration fee is not refunded.
Submission of duly filled Registration Form does not ensure Admission.
Age Requirement
Children of 3 years as on 01st April of the year are considered eligible for admission to Nursery, 4 years of age as on 01st April for L.K.G.
Entrance Details
Admission to Nursery onwards is granted on the basis of interaction with the child and parents.
Written entrance tests are held in English and Mathematics for classes I to V and English, Mathematics & Science for classes VI upwards. Admission is granted on the basis of Entrance Test and subsequent interaction with the student, accompanied by the parents.
Entry Requirements
- Birth Certificate -From Registrar of Birth & Death.
- Aadhar card for the student & parents
- Duly filled Application Form with Photographs, Progress Report of the previous school attended, Transfer Certificate: -From Previous School (Class UKG onwards). PEN & Apaar Id of the student-From Previous School Transport Form (Optional)
Cancellation of Admission
Your ward's admission will be cancelled and fee forfeited on the following grounds:
- Incomplete Admission Form.
- Shortage / Non-payment of school fee.
- Lack of Required Documents.
- False Information and Documents.
School Fee
- Fee should be paid in full in the first week of every month. Fee should be paid in full. Partial payment is not permissible.
- Payments are acceptable in cash, cheque, or online transfer through school ERP. The last date for payment by cheque is 5th of every month drawn on a local bank. The last date for payment by cash is the 7th of every month. There must be separate cheques for each child.
- If the fee for a month in respect of a student is not paid in full by the first week of that month, a fine of Rs. 100/- will be charged for that particular month. A fine of Rs. 200/- will be charged for the second month in a row. If, without a valid reason, the fee is not paid, the student's name will be struck off the rolls, and the student may be admitted only at the discretion of the principal or management on payment of all arrears and a fresh admission fee coupled with a fine of Rs. 500/-.
- Fee can be deposited in advance for any number of months or for the full session if so desired at the beginning of the term.
- Fee can be deposited either in cash, cheque, or online transfer through school ERP.
- The school reserves the right to revise the fee schedule as per Government norms and rules from time to time. All fees, including Bus fee, is subject to revision.
- In case of withdrawal from the Bus, one full month's notice is to be given. Otherwise, the full conveyance charges will be charged.
- Fees once paid will not be refundable.
- For the first quarter (April to June), the Bus fee will be paid for 2 months only.
- If a cheque is dishonoured due to any reason, late fee plus Rs. 450/- will be charged as a service charge for bouncing of cheque.
- Please write the name, class, and section of the student at the back of the cheque.
- The time to pay the fees is 8:00 AM to 1 PM (on weekdays) & 8:00 AM to 11 AM on Saturdays.
Late Arrival in School
1. The School Gate will close 10 minutes after the first bell rings.
2. The late comers will be given Half Day Attendance.
3. Three late arrivals in a month will lead to strict disciplinary / punitive action. However, for genuine reasons the students will have to get an application on the school ERP from their parents/guardians.
Withdrawals & Transfer Certificates
1. One clear month's notice in writing or a month's fee in lieu of the notice must be given before a pupil can be withdrawn.
2. Those who leave the school in May, must in all cases pay the fees for the month of June.
3. For getting Transfer Certificate, Character Certificate etc. the parents have to apply in writing.
4. On receipt of approval from the Principal, Transfer Certificate will be issued and parents can collect the T.C. of their ward(s) after TEN days of the submission
5. Transfer Certificate will not be issued under the following circumstances:
- The parent / guardian has failed to submit the Transfer Certificate from the previous school where the child had studied.
- Failed to submit the Birth Certificate of the ward from Municipal Corporation of the area or Registrar of Birth & Death and Aadhar card of the ward
- The dues pertaining to the school have not been paid.
6. Students may be asked to leave the school on the following grounds.
- Non-payment of School Dues.
- Parents repeatedly not meeting the teacher in the school when called.
- Using unfair means in any examination or attempting to influence any teacher by any examination.
- Consistent unsatisfactory progress in studies.
- Conduct harmful to others
- Any two detentions
Please Note:
In case, the withdrawal takes place owing to any of the above-mentioned reasons (Point No:6), the question of charging one month's fee in lieu of notice does not arise.
It is always desirable to write to the School Authorities on the school ERP about the problems that your ward is facing or for seeking guidance.
Your letters will be replied after the matter has been discussed with the concerned staff members.
School Transport
- Transportation Fee is charged for 11 (Eleven) months.
- No student will be permitted to board the school bus if he/she is not in proper school uniform.
- Students are expected to be on the door side of the bus at least 5 minutes prior to the arrival of the bus.
- Buses will not wait for late-comers. Students are advised not to run behind the bus once the bus has left the stop.
- Students are not allowed to board any bus other than his/her regular bus.
- In case of First or Last Bus Stop for a single child, two bus stops will be clubbed in between as per the convenience.
- All the students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding their bus.
- No student should come near the entry door of the bus unless it has made a complete stop.
- The student must stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
- The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only, unless otherwise directed by the bus. The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and is always subject to change. No diversion/extension will be entertained on existing routes.
- Objects of any kind must not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus.
- Students will be held responsible for any damage to the bus caused by negligence or vandalism.
- No students shall travel standing on the footboard.
- Students should not move around in the bus when it is in motion.
- Unruly behavior like shrieking/putting hands or head out is strictly prohibited. Students are expected to behave decently with fellow students inside the bus. Boys and girls traveling together should maintain their dignity without hurting each other's self-respect.
- There may be a hike in Transport Fee in accordance with the hike in fuel and other transportation costs.
- It is expected that the students will maintain the same standard of decorum and discipline inside the bus as they have been following in the school.
- The bus teacher and the monitor are responsible for maintaining discipline in the bus. Any serious offense must be reported to the coordinator immediately.
- In case of any accident/mishap, the owner of the vehicle or organization is not liable for such an incident.
- In case of any breakdown of the vehicle on the route, the vehicle will be replaced at the earliest possible and/or the school will get in touch with the parents concerned.
- If a student discontinues bus service completely during the year after opting for it, he/she has to pay the transport fees for one more month. i.e., if it is discontinued from January, the fees have to be paid till February.
- The students will not sit in the cabin of the driver.
- Parents or the local guardian will have to produce the parent's copy of the identity card at the bus stop or at the school gate in case of supervision.
- Identity Cards are valid for one academic session only and shall be surrendered on the day of the distribution of the final report card.
- The school reserves the right of canceling the bus pass of any student on receiving complaints from school authorities or co-passengers.
- The school doesn't bear any responsibility in case of accidents and mishaps in cases of circumstances beyond our control.